Be a Part of Fur Free Friday on Nov. 28th

Join us together with IDA, In Defense of Animals and activists all over the country to take a stand for millions of animals that are killed for their fur.
Many popular designers and brand clothing companies still use fur in the USA to profit from animal suffering. Millions of animals are brutally killed and are oftentimes skinned alive. Find local events in your area through IDA.

The law allows the fashion industry and stores to omit any mention of real fur content on their labels, such as fur trimmed jackets, etc. Real fur is often dyed to make it look fake to mislead the unknowing consumers.
Dog fur is being sold in the United States on fur jackets that are not labeled. Dog fur is also being sold as faux fur. You can help make a difference by raising awareness, telling your friends and by not bying any fur products.

Legislation can stop this loophole, put a damper on the market and protect consumers from being tricked. Please take action now and send an automated message to your government representative.

Automated email provided by IDA

1 comment:

Matt said...

This type of torture and brutality must stop by any means possible it has gone on for far to long. Petition, Petition, petition is it helping? The videos I have seen the posts I have read very disturbing just proves that the people commiting these acts wont stop. There is no acceptable reason for this not religion,culture or belief just a stright forward barbaric non 21st century way of life!